“滤镜--FILTER THE PUBLIC”是纪念SWFC成立五周年的大型艺术项目。
"FILTER THE PUBLIC" is a large-scale art project to commemorate the SWFC 5th Anniversary.
As one of the most iconic landmarks in Shanghai, the prominence of SWFC does not only dwell within its horizontal space but yet include its unique design and height of 492 meters. The area of the exhibition will not only cover the public space, both indoor and outdoor, but also include SWFC tower itself as an art museum within its beauty of being an art piece.
Through art, people can realize more about things around themselves. Public art is a friendly approach which allows the space to have conversation with people.
Artists on behalf of Shanghai, leading curators, galleries will create their art shows under the same inspiration of Shanghai and Lujiazui area. To celebrate our anniversary, please welcome the new challenge of possibilities and the role of art in public space. SWFC is opening up the new dimension of art.
MABSOCIETY is pleased to be invited as Spot Curator for this event showcasing edgy works by artists from Shanghai, Beijing and New York.
Polit-Sheer-Form Office
Wallpaper Digital print Dimensions variable 2009-2013 This wallpaper is composed of official receipts (fapiao) from Polit-Sheer-Form-Office’s group outings since the group's founding in 2005. The fapiao has profound significance for companies, individuals, and art collectives alike in the bureaucracy of civil-society. The wallpaper becomes both a tax record of this art collective’s spending over the past few years as well as a way to trace their personal history. Situated in the halls of the SWFC the fapiao wallpaper acts as a haunting echo of all the financial activity occurring on the floors above. Polit-Sheer-Form Office (PSFO) is an art group founded by Hong Hao, Xiao Yu, Song Dong, Liu Jianhua and Leng Lin in 2005 with the aim of re-imagining a space for socialism in today’s consumer orientated society. Their work has been shown internationally at the UCCA, Beijing; Art Space, Sydney; and will be featured in a solo exhibition at the Queens Museum of Art, New York in 2014. Marc Lafia with MABSOCIETY
Art as Invention 3 (Public Relations) 3 Blackboards, colored chalk, 2 x 5 m each 2013 These colorful blackboards solicit audience feedback, creativity, and self-expression within a public context. It is a handmade, micro manifestation of the social media networks that have pervaded our lives. Listed on the boards are surveys, which ask audience members to list their favorite books, films, vacation spots, as well as intimate desires and fantasies. Some of these questions are tailored to the visitors and workers who will pass by here daily. These questions are merely a conduit to encourage visitors to release the tension of their workday, as well as a way to express and publish themselves within the public domain. Art as Invention 3 (Public Relations) is an active metaphor of the social relations within our technocratic, globalized society. Marc Lafia is a NYC based artist and filmmaker whose works have been exhibited by the Tate Modern, Whitney Museum, Walker Art Center, Pompidou Center, etc. Ma Daha Hang in there (not as a mode of proximity but a conjunction) Neon light 200 x 60 cm 2013 MaDaha’s Hang in there is a humorous take on the struggle for success in our over-competitive world. It depicts a young man hanging from a building ledge in the form of a neon light. While it is unclear whether the man is playing or about to fall to his death, the neon diverts the urgency of the matter with an overt device of commercialism. It is a maxim for the modern age where the overworked or over study-ed people often take their own lives. Ma Daha preaches “Hang in there one day you’ll make it!” Ma Daha (Chinese slang for scatterbrain) is a collective of young filmmakers, and musicians based in Changsha led by the artist couple Ma Dexin and Ma Hou (they look uncannily similar to the Hollywood movie stars Brad and Angelina). The inspiration for their diverse practice stems from the reality of the member’s mundane day jobs as well as their disillusionment with globalization, especially socialism with Chinese characteristics. Ma Daha has been exhibiting their installation, video, and site-specific intervention work internationally since 2006. |
《墙纸》 数码印刷 尺寸不定 2009-2013 这件墙纸作品是由政纯办小组自2005年成立至今的外出活动所得的正规收据(发票)。在官僚主义盛行的文明社会,发票对于公司,个人和艺术小组有着深远的意义。这件墙纸作品不仅成为了这个艺术小组过去数年间的缴税记录,更能从中一探其私人的过去。该“发票墙纸”置于上海环球金融中心的走道,就好似在与楼上所发生的财政活动之间产生强烈的共鸣。 政治纯形式办公室(政纯办)是由洪浩,萧昱,宋东,刘建华和冷林于2005年成立的艺术小组,旨在于今天以消费为导向的社会间,重新设想一个社会主义的空间。他们的作品在国际间广泛展出,如北京尤伦斯当代艺术中心,悉尼艺术空间,并将于2014年在纽约皇后区美术馆举办一场个展。 马克・拉菲亚+MABSOCIETY
《艺术如同发明之三 (公共关系)》 三块黑板,每块2 x 5米,彩色粉笔 2013 在社交媒体蔓延于我们生活各处的今天,这三块手制的彩色黑板正是一个微型的模拟企划,期待着观众在公共语境下的反馈、创造和自我表达。黑板上罗列着的问题涉及参与者最爱的书籍、电影、度假胜地,甚至一些私密的渴望和幻想,其中几则更是为日常途经此处的行人和工作者量身而制。它不仅可以权充宣泄繁冗压力的管道,更能成为人们在公共领域表达和发布自我的交流媒介。作品《艺术如同发明之三(公共关系)》正是在今天这样一个全球化、技术化社会中对社会组织关系的有机象征。 马克 拉菲亚是一位纽约艺术家及电影工作者,其作品曾参展于伦敦泰特现代美术馆、纽约惠特尼美术馆、美国沃克艺术中心和巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心等国际艺术机构。 马大哈
《坚持住(不是靠近而是作为一种结合的模式)》 霓虹灯 200 x 60 厘米 2013 马大哈的“坚持住”幽默地调侃了我们在这个过度竞争的世界,为了成功而奋勇拼搏的现实。它通过霓虹灯的形式展现了一位年轻男子挂在楼宇边缘的情景。虽然无法分辨这位男子究竟是在玩耍还是真的会掉落致死,霓虹灯在此作为一个明显的商业性装置缓解了事件的紧急性。面对现代社会中经常出现的过劳死现象,它的出现就如同为我们敲响了警钟。马大哈鼓吹“坚持住,有一天你会成功的!” 马大哈是由马德新和马侯夫妻(其长相酷似好莱坞明星布拉德和安吉丽娜)带领下的一支由年轻电影人与音乐人为主的艺术团体,常驻于长沙。他们的多样化艺术实践同时受到现实生活与意识觉悟的启发,成员各自拥有一份日常工作,有感于全球化的幻灭,尤其是具有中国特色的社会主义新形势。马大哈自2006年起便在国际范围内展出装置,影像和具有场域性介入特征的作品。 |