Artists: Chen Tianzhuo, Monika Bravo, Kendell Geers, Marc Lafia, Ma Daha, Martin Murphy, Amy Yao, Wang Jiaxue
Duration: 2015.01.24 - 2015.03.15
Address: BANK 1/F, 59 Xianggang Lu, Shanghai, China
BANK brings up a selection of works from our inventory whose common denominator is the prominent color of Red.
Red is the warmest of all colors, the color of prosperity and joy but also of temper or anger. Red is the color of Mars, known as the God of War. It symbolizes passion- ate love. RED brings you enthusiasm and interest, energy, action and confidence, it makes you go after your dreams and protects you from fears and anxieties.
楼下 | 楼上 (红)
艺术家: 陈天灼, 莫妮卡·布拉沃, 肯德尔·戈尔斯, 马克·拉菲, 马大哈, 马丁·墨菲, 姚书安, 王佳雪
展期: 2015.01.24 - 2015.03.15
地址: BANK 中国上海市黄浦区香港路59号1楼
红,是所有色彩中最为温暖夺目的一抹; 红, 是彰显热情奔放的媒介, 也是表达愤怒的阐释者; 红, 象征驰骋血红沙场的战神火星的色泽; 在中国, 红也是兴兴向荣与吉祥如意的代表, 因此新婚夫妇时常身着红色华服, 或是人们把院落正门涂刷成红色以招运驱邪。以耀眼的红色为主题基调, BANK将为您带来2015年首个合作艺术家群展。
Artists: Chen Tianzhuo, Monika Bravo, Kendell Geers, Marc Lafia, Ma Daha, Martin Murphy, Amy Yao, Wang Jiaxue
Duration: 2015.01.24 - 2015.03.15
Address: BANK 1/F, 59 Xianggang Lu, Shanghai, China
BANK brings up a selection of works from our inventory whose common denominator is the prominent color of Red.
Red is the warmest of all colors, the color of prosperity and joy but also of temper or anger. Red is the color of Mars, known as the God of War. It symbolizes passion- ate love. RED brings you enthusiasm and interest, energy, action and confidence, it makes you go after your dreams and protects you from fears and anxieties.
楼下 | 楼上 (红)
艺术家: 陈天灼, 莫妮卡·布拉沃, 肯德尔·戈尔斯, 马克·拉菲, 马大哈, 马丁·墨菲, 姚书安, 王佳雪
展期: 2015.01.24 - 2015.03.15
地址: BANK 中国上海市黄浦区香港路59号1楼
红,是所有色彩中最为温暖夺目的一抹; 红, 是彰显热情奔放的媒介, 也是表达愤怒的阐释者; 红, 象征驰骋血红沙场的战神火星的色泽; 在中国, 红也是兴兴向荣与吉祥如意的代表, 因此新婚夫妇时常身着红色华服, 或是人们把院落正门涂刷成红色以招运驱邪。以耀眼的红色为主题基调, BANK将为您带来2015年首个合作艺术家群展。