Kendell Geers was born in Johannesburg into a white working-class Afrikaans family during the time of apartheid. An estab- lished artist and outspoken critic, Geers’ art practice resides within system of signs. Geers scans, freeze-frames and alters, compiles information deriving from art history, film, literature, religion, the media and language itself, so as to disarray existing readings and provoke new interconnections.
Geers generally underlines these new interrelationships using the framework of installation, video, monitors and cabling, readymade objects and photo-based media.
“Religion, sport, pornography and horror films have always understood that moment when words are not enough, when all that we have been taught and programmed to be fails and we are reduced to sounds of despair, cries of ecstasy, the crush of a multiple orgasm, the last breath of life. What are we when our voices are as mute as any animal, when we become the drunk in the village bar singing in a voice that only he understands but never remembers? I have hidden myself away in these sounds, the cries of a country in a revolution followed by despair and chaos. As an artist living in the Post-Apartheid, Post-Communist, Post-Theory glut of Post-Modernism I prefer to live nowhere and to be nationalistic only to that which cannot be controlled by my tongue, the moment when the digital dissolves into the analogue, the colloquial crush of imperfection. ...”
Kendell Geers’s solo exhibition included Stephen Friedman Gallery, London; Yvon Lambert, Paris; Fin de Partie, Galleria Continua, Beijing. His works had also been exhibited at Ruffneck Constructivists, ICA, Philadelphia; de Appel Arts Centre, Amsterdam, etc.
Kendell Geers, 1968年生于约翰内斯堡 , 南非最具代表性的艺术家 , 常年旅居欧洲、 美国。 作品本着对达达主义颠覆和挑战的态度 , 向当今消费化艺术提出质疑。擅长挪用或借助日常物件,以打破旧习的观念明确表达批判,赤裸裸的揭露直接或潜在的社会、历史、宗 教、意识形态等问题 , 回复当下世界所面对的尖锐、邪恶、暴力、严酷、 道德、性、恐惧等。
肯德尔格尔斯出生于种族隔离时期的约翰内斯堡一个普通工人阶级白人家庭,被取名为雅各布赫曼努斯皮特斯格尔斯。在 1993 年,他 将自己的名字改为肯德尔格尔斯并且把自己的生日更改为 1968 年 5 月,回收了他的原有身份,想试图通过这种政治抵抗的方式来抵制 他的家庭以至于整个社区所维护的政治立场、种族立场。伴随着年龄的增长, 自我意识的增强,他越来越意识到自己国家的政治斗争问 题,于是他在 15 岁的时候逃离了自己的家庭,参加了反种族隔离运动。肯德尔在 1984 年底的时候完成了自己的学业。1985 年初,为 逃避兵役,他申请进修约翰内斯堡金山大学的美术学位。
肯德尔·戈尔斯的作品在全世界范围广泛的展出过,参加的个展包括 Stephen Friedman 画廊 , 伦敦 ; Yvon Lambert, 巴黎 ; Fin de Partie, Galleria Continua, 北京。他的作品也在 Ruffneck Constructivists, ICA, 费城 ; de Appel Arts Centre, 阿姆斯特丹等地展出过。