马大哈是由马德新和马侯夫妻带领下的一支由年轻电影人、艺术家和音乐人为主的艺术团体。他们的多样化艺术实践同时受到现实生活与意识觉悟的启发,成员各自拥有一份日常工作(婚庆公司、设计公司、豆腐包装厂),有感于全球化的幻灭,尤其是具有中国特色的社会主义新形势。同时,他们对于自称来自土星的美国自由爵士乐大师Sun Ra以及他狂放的音乐、另类的宇宙观和对于大蒜的执着偏爱充满无限崇敬。
马大哈自2006年起便在国际范围内以特邀项目的形式展出装置、影像和具有场域性介入特征的作品,包括上海MoCA、上海视界艺术中心和纽约Thomas Erben画廊。
Ma Daha (Chinese slang for scatterbrain) is a collective of young filmmakers, artists and musicians led by the artist couple Ma Dexin and Ma Hou. The inspiration for their diverse artistic practice stems from the reality of the member’s mundane day jobs (in wedding salons, design firms and tofu packaging plants), and also from their disillusionment with globalization, especially socialism with Chinese characteristics, as well as an unyielding appreciation for the American free jazz maestro, Sun Ra, whose purported visit to the planet Saturn, wild music, cosmic philosophy and worship of garlic continues to fascinate Ma Daha members.
Ma Daha has been exhibiting since 2006 their installation, video and site-specific intervention work (mostly project-based) internationally, including MoCA Shanghai, V-ART Center Shanghai, Thomas Erben Gallery NYC.
They work and live now in Changsha.
马大哈自2006年起便在国际范围内以特邀项目的形式展出装置、影像和具有场域性介入特征的作品,包括上海MoCA、上海视界艺术中心和纽约Thomas Erben画廊。
Ma Daha (Chinese slang for scatterbrain) is a collective of young filmmakers, artists and musicians led by the artist couple Ma Dexin and Ma Hou. The inspiration for their diverse artistic practice stems from the reality of the member’s mundane day jobs (in wedding salons, design firms and tofu packaging plants), and also from their disillusionment with globalization, especially socialism with Chinese characteristics, as well as an unyielding appreciation for the American free jazz maestro, Sun Ra, whose purported visit to the planet Saturn, wild music, cosmic philosophy and worship of garlic continues to fascinate Ma Daha members.
Ma Daha has been exhibiting since 2006 their installation, video and site-specific intervention work (mostly project-based) internationally, including MoCA Shanghai, V-ART Center Shanghai, Thomas Erben Gallery NYC.
They work and live now in Changsha.