CON.TEXT: A series of art events outside the white box
Marc Lafia The Tumblr Room Dates: Oct 21 - Nov 25, 2012 Venue: Martial Vivot Salon Pour Hommes Salon Address: 39 West 54th Street, between 5th and 6th Aves NYC, USA (across from the MoMA on the north side of the building) *"Martial Vivot is the gentleman's barber for many of the city's most powerful." Paris Vogue, NYTimes There is something illicit, abject and wryly playful to see writ large, the folly of our private desires played out in the large photographic prints that make up The Tumblr Room series, three of which are now showing at Martial Vivot Salon Pour Hommes located directly across from the MoMA on 54th Street in Manhattan. A better fit could not have been imagined - our casual albeit earnest expressions of forlornness, desire, desolation, intimacy, and sexual longing commonly manifest on social networks are now brought out and super-sized in the space of Martial Vidot’s hair salon, a context wherein vanity is cultivated for the rich and famous. For years Marc Lafia has been pursuing a new kind of photographic practice, using performance, portraiture, archival research, the constructed event, posturing, and social media to explore the changing notion of subjectivity in the 21st century. The Tumblr Room is a continuation of Lafia’s anthropologic probing into the spaces of social networks. From his landmark 1000 Chats on the Roulette Wheel, to his recent feature film HI How are You Guest 10497, The Tumblr Room records humanity’s reckless and beautiful yearning for love through both genuine and staged personas. Marc Lafia has produced commissioned work for the Tate Modern, UK and the Whitney Museum of Art, NY. His work has also been exhibited at the Walker Center, Minneapolis; ZKM, Berlin; San Francisco MoMA; Georges Pompidou Center, Paris; Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing and the Minsheng Museum of Art, Shanghai among other important international venues. Learning more from the artist's website: |
马克·拉菲亚 《Tumblr空间》 日期:2012年9月21日 - 11月25日 地点:Martial Vivot男式高级沙龙 地址:39 West 54th Street (在第五大道和第六大道之间,纽约现代美术馆对面大楼北翼) 注:“Martial Vivot为纽约诸多绅士及社会名流打理发型。”——引自巴黎版《Vogue》、《纽约时报》。 某些伴随着不正当感、或有些许卑鄙的黑色幽默已经开演——曼哈顿第54街,即纽约现代美术馆对面,有一家男式高级沙龙Martial Vivot,一场别开生面的闹剧已经悄然拉开序幕,主角是由《Tumblur空间》系列中的三件大幅摄影作品担当。这个场地对此再合适不过了——在社交网络上,我们演绎的随性但真切的情感,其中隐含的孤独,忧伤,亲昵和性渴望,在Martial Vivot 的沙龙空间,这个为富家名流们营造浮华的场所,得到了释放及最大化。 多年来,马克·拉菲亚都在尝试结合表演、肖像、档案研究、活动规划、摆拍和社交媒体等多种手段,从而探索摄影创作的新形式以及不断变化的21世纪主观意识形态。《Tumblur空间》是在人类学范畴内,拉菲亚试图研究社交网络虚拟空间的衍生品。从他的经典作品系列《1000个轮回聊天》到其近期力作《你好,怎么样,客人10479?》短片,以及《Tumblur空间》,马克·拉菲亚都在持续记录着人类通过不同阶段角色的深情扮演,用这种粗糙而又美丽的方式渴望爱的状态和过程。 马克·拉菲亚曾经受英国泰特现代美术馆和纽约惠特尼现代美术馆的委托进行创作。他的作品也在明尼阿波利斯州沃克艺术中心、柏林ZKM媒体艺术中心、旧金山现代艺术博物馆、巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心、北京中央美术学院和上海民生现代艺术馆等其它重要国际性艺术机构做展出。 |