Polit-Sheer-Form !
Opening reception: November 1, 2014, 4-8pm
Polit-Sheer-Form-Office (PSFO) is a China-based art collective founded in 2005 by artists Hong Hao (b. 1965, Beijing), Xiao Yu (b. 1965, Inner Mongolia), Song Dong (b. 1966, Beijing), Liu Jianhua (b. 1962, Ji’an), and Leng Lin (b. 1965, Beijing). These artists come from a generation marked by China’s shift from Communism as both an economic and political order to a nation with capitalist ideals and a Communist government operating simultaneously. Individually, each of PSFO’s members have enjoyed significant international solo careers. They formed this group with the stated intention of “seeking collective form,” exploring the idea of ‘we’ in a ‘me’ world to present a new, tongue-in-cheek Socialist order for the 21st century.
The forthcoming exhibition, Polit Sheer Form!, at the Queens Museum will feature signature artworks such as the PSFO insignia Badge (2005); propaganda oil paintings Polit-Sheer-Form (2007); Mr. Zheng (2007), a huge composite photographic portrait of all five PSFO members; the group’s own fake library with 10,000 carefully numbered books painted in blue but without content, Library(2008); and their most recent work, Fitness for All (2013), five exercise machines evoking the recent campaigns throughout the People’s Republic of China aimed at motivating society to pay more attention to its health.
A survey of the first decade of PSFO’s multidisciplinary projects, the Queens Museum exhibition will also include new works. As part of the exhibition, a performance titled Do the Same Good Deed will be held in New York City’s Times Square in partnership with Times Square Arts, after its presentation in Guangzhou, China and the Guangdong Times Museum. Both performances will be represented in the exhibition through video documentation, and both performances involve the participation of large numbers of participants in repetitious cleaning efforts in public space. The goal of this particular project is to test in different social contexts—China and the U.S.—whether collectivism is a real social need or just a management tool. In American culture, individualism is a core value yet a new understanding of the need for the collective has emerged. Conversely, while collectivism has been a core Chinese value, there has been increasing interest in individual pursuits. Does “doing a good deed” arise naturally from human nature or is it an expression of ideology? What is the real content and meaning of collectivism (or collective organization)?
This event will take place on November 3rd, 2014 in Times Square, NYC in partnership with the Times Square Arts.
政纯办为政治纯形式办公室的简称, 由洪浩(1965,北京)、肖昱(1965,内蒙古)、宋冬(1966,北京)、刘建华(1962,吉安)和冷林(1965,北京)组成的中国艺术小组,在2005年创立“政治纯形式”概念,并以集体创作的方式进行工作。在经历过中国从人民公社、计划经济体制转变为改革开放后的国家宏观调控、社会主义市场经济体制后,这些艺术家都有着时代变迁的烙印。单独来讲,政纯办的每个成员在国际舞台上都有自己成功的事业。他们以寻求“集体意识”的形式与概念组成这个团体,探索“我们”在“我”世界中的体现形式与内容,从而用试图展现并幽默地调侃二十一世纪的新社会主义秩序。
在纽约皇后美术馆的展览中,政纯办将向大家展现他们第一个十年多学科艺术探索实践成果,同时也包含了艺术小组的近期艺术作品。作为展览项目之一,继政纯办在中国广东时代美术馆《做同一件好事》行为艺术表演之后,纽约皇后美术馆携Times Square Arts和广东时代美术馆将政纯办的《做同一件好事》带到了纽约。《做同一件好事》的行为艺术表演也将在纽约时代广场再次发生。两次行为艺术表演的内容是由志愿者组成的团队共同合作打扫公共广场,并且行为的记录影像都将在皇后美术馆被展出。这个项目的目的是在于测试研究在例如中国和美国这两个不同社会性质、环境的国家中,“集体主义”到底真的是“社会需求”还是仅仅为一个“管理工具”。在美国文化中,“个人主义”是核心价值观,但如今新集体意识理念在这个文化中慢慢萌芽浮现。相反,在这个以“集体主义”为核心价值的新社会主义中国,“个人追求”的观念却又日趋明显。“做同一件好事”的出现是人的自然天性还是社会意识形态的表达?集体主义或集体组织的真正含义又是什么?
携手Times Square Arts,由政纯办构想设计的500人行为艺术表演活动将于2014年11月3日在纽约时代广场进行 。
报名网址: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/polit-sheer-form-office-do-the-same-good-deed-performance-tickets-13488136379
活动合作伙伴:Times Square Arts
本次展览由广东时代美术馆、纽约皇后美术馆联合举办,广东时代美术馆策展人沈瑞筠策划。行为艺术表演由Times Square Arts组织协办。
本次展览由广东时代美术馆、亚洲文化协会、Times Square Arts以及MABSOCIETY联合赞助支持。另外特别鸣谢纽约市文化局、纽约州艺术委员会委员长Andrew Cuomo以及纽约州议会。
Opening reception: November 1, 2014, 4-8pm
Polit-Sheer-Form-Office (PSFO) is a China-based art collective founded in 2005 by artists Hong Hao (b. 1965, Beijing), Xiao Yu (b. 1965, Inner Mongolia), Song Dong (b. 1966, Beijing), Liu Jianhua (b. 1962, Ji’an), and Leng Lin (b. 1965, Beijing). These artists come from a generation marked by China’s shift from Communism as both an economic and political order to a nation with capitalist ideals and a Communist government operating simultaneously. Individually, each of PSFO’s members have enjoyed significant international solo careers. They formed this group with the stated intention of “seeking collective form,” exploring the idea of ‘we’ in a ‘me’ world to present a new, tongue-in-cheek Socialist order for the 21st century.
The forthcoming exhibition, Polit Sheer Form!, at the Queens Museum will feature signature artworks such as the PSFO insignia Badge (2005); propaganda oil paintings Polit-Sheer-Form (2007); Mr. Zheng (2007), a huge composite photographic portrait of all five PSFO members; the group’s own fake library with 10,000 carefully numbered books painted in blue but without content, Library(2008); and their most recent work, Fitness for All (2013), five exercise machines evoking the recent campaigns throughout the People’s Republic of China aimed at motivating society to pay more attention to its health.
A survey of the first decade of PSFO’s multidisciplinary projects, the Queens Museum exhibition will also include new works. As part of the exhibition, a performance titled Do the Same Good Deed will be held in New York City’s Times Square in partnership with Times Square Arts, after its presentation in Guangzhou, China and the Guangdong Times Museum. Both performances will be represented in the exhibition through video documentation, and both performances involve the participation of large numbers of participants in repetitious cleaning efforts in public space. The goal of this particular project is to test in different social contexts—China and the U.S.—whether collectivism is a real social need or just a management tool. In American culture, individualism is a core value yet a new understanding of the need for the collective has emerged. Conversely, while collectivism has been a core Chinese value, there has been increasing interest in individual pursuits. Does “doing a good deed” arise naturally from human nature or is it an expression of ideology? What is the real content and meaning of collectivism (or collective organization)?
This event will take place on November 3rd, 2014 in Times Square, NYC in partnership with the Times Square Arts.
政纯办为政治纯形式办公室的简称, 由洪浩(1965,北京)、肖昱(1965,内蒙古)、宋冬(1966,北京)、刘建华(1962,吉安)和冷林(1965,北京)组成的中国艺术小组,在2005年创立“政治纯形式”概念,并以集体创作的方式进行工作。在经历过中国从人民公社、计划经济体制转变为改革开放后的国家宏观调控、社会主义市场经济体制后,这些艺术家都有着时代变迁的烙印。单独来讲,政纯办的每个成员在国际舞台上都有自己成功的事业。他们以寻求“集体意识”的形式与概念组成这个团体,探索“我们”在“我”世界中的体现形式与内容,从而用试图展现并幽默地调侃二十一世纪的新社会主义秩序。
在纽约皇后美术馆的展览中,政纯办将向大家展现他们第一个十年多学科艺术探索实践成果,同时也包含了艺术小组的近期艺术作品。作为展览项目之一,继政纯办在中国广东时代美术馆《做同一件好事》行为艺术表演之后,纽约皇后美术馆携Times Square Arts和广东时代美术馆将政纯办的《做同一件好事》带到了纽约。《做同一件好事》的行为艺术表演也将在纽约时代广场再次发生。两次行为艺术表演的内容是由志愿者组成的团队共同合作打扫公共广场,并且行为的记录影像都将在皇后美术馆被展出。这个项目的目的是在于测试研究在例如中国和美国这两个不同社会性质、环境的国家中,“集体主义”到底真的是“社会需求”还是仅仅为一个“管理工具”。在美国文化中,“个人主义”是核心价值观,但如今新集体意识理念在这个文化中慢慢萌芽浮现。相反,在这个以“集体主义”为核心价值的新社会主义中国,“个人追求”的观念却又日趋明显。“做同一件好事”的出现是人的自然天性还是社会意识形态的表达?集体主义或集体组织的真正含义又是什么?
携手Times Square Arts,由政纯办构想设计的500人行为艺术表演活动将于2014年11月3日在纽约时代广场进行 。
报名网址: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/polit-sheer-form-office-do-the-same-good-deed-performance-tickets-13488136379
活动合作伙伴:Times Square Arts
本次展览由广东时代美术馆、纽约皇后美术馆联合举办,广东时代美术馆策展人沈瑞筠策划。行为艺术表演由Times Square Arts组织协办。
本次展览由广东时代美术馆、亚洲文化协会、Times Square Arts以及MABSOCIETY联合赞助支持。另外特别鸣谢纽约市文化局、纽约州艺术委员会委员长Andrew Cuomo以及纽约州议会。