In conjunction with BANK’s current exhibition, PAINT(erly), we warmly invite you for an exclusive screening of Paul McCarthy’s classic video work, Painter, starting at 7:30pm Thursday October 24th.
In Painter (color video with sound, 50’01’’, 1995) the artist, dressed only in a smock, socks, a blonde wig, and a bulbous nose, crudely satirizes the legacy of the ‘abstract expressionist painter’, often with direct references to the late William de Kooning. He employs super-sized brushes, paints, and even ketchup and mayonnaise to complete his expressive, large-scale works. This absurd and often perverse video-performance acts both as a deconstruction of the artist’s identity as a tortured soul, as well as a critique of the art world, with scenes depicting the artist quarrelling with his gallerist, and in compromised relations with his collectors. Painter is widely heralded as one of McCarthy’s most important works. It has been shown in numerous institutions worldwide and is the collection of MoMA, NY.
Paul McCarthy (b.1945) lives and works in Los Angeles, California. He is widely considered to be one of the most important and revolutionary artists living today. His influence has widely been felt among a younger generation of artists including: Cindy Sherman, Jason Rhoades, and Mike Kelly. His psychologically charged and often irreverent work takes aim at cherished American myths and icons including Disney figures, Hollywood and the modern artist.
His works have been shown and collected by numerous major institutions including: Centre Pompidou, Guggenheim Bilbao, Whitney Museum, Tate Modern, MoMA NY, The National Museum of Contemporary Art of Oslo, New Museum, NY, etc.
在开幕群展《绘画性》进入中期之时,我们诚邀阁下于10月24日周四晚19:30光临BANK,参加艺术家Paul McCarthy经典影像作品《画家》的小型展映会。
在《画家》(彩色有声录像,50’01’’,1995)这件作品中,主角艺术家仅着工作罩衫和袜子,戴着亚麻色假发和一个夸张的大鼻子,对抽象表现主义绘画的经典创作模式(作品中尤指该流派的代表性艺术家William de Kooning晚期的创作)进行讽刺化的演绎: 他用巨大的刷子在大尺幅木板上作画,挤上番茄酱和蛋黄酱来宣泄自己的表现欲。这出荒诞的表演不仅解构了艺术家扭曲的自我身份认同,之后他与画廊主的争吵和他对收藏家妥协的态度,又批判了当代艺术圈的潜层规则。《画家》是McCarthy最为重要的作品之一,曾在众多国际艺术机构展出,为纽约现代艺术博物馆收藏。
Paul McCarthy 1945年生于美国盐湖城,现生活工作于洛杉矶。作为当今最重要且具有革新精神的在世艺术家之一,McCarthy影响了众多后起之秀,如Cindy Sherman,Jason Rhoades以及Mike Kelly等。McCarthy的作品富于心理冲击和攻击性,他借用迪斯尼、好莱坞和现代艺术家的人物形象暗喻了现代社会文化的精神创伤、美国梦的黑暗面以及西方物质世界的现实。