耿旖旎有着雌雄同体般的艺术敏感度和超脱于性别界限和国籍的非同寻常的视角。她的的油画色泽黏稠,表面内容丰富多彩,画面故事则完全呈现精神分裂症的特点。她的作品中经常会出现虚线、目标和象征性的图标, 就像说明书中插图, 让人捉摸不透。把各类混杂的元素汇聚到一起要表达什么并不重要,以轻松的心态恣意演绎多重性才是耿旖旎的作品胜人一筹的地方。
耿旖旎毕业于沈阳鲁迅美术学院,其作品已参展于多家艺术机构,如上海视界艺术中心,北京今日美术馆及成 都蓝顶美术馆等。
Special project by Geng Yini
Geng Yini presented her new series of works at SH Contemporary 2014. This series of works are to reinterpret the old images, to explore the uncertainty of time and memory.
Geng’s gooey paintings with their manifold surfaces and schizophrenic narratives are a testimony to our interactive computer lives where we simultaneously dance between multiple windows, looking and covering, pointing at past and future. What the total sum of ingredients in her uncanny works may mean is not the point; it is the lighthearted celebration of unbridled plurality that gives Geng’s work its edge.
Geng Yini is graduate of Lu Xun Academy in Shenyang and has shown her works in numerous venues including V-Art Center Shanghai, Today Museum, Beijing and Blue Top Museum in Chengdu.
耿旖旎有着雌雄同体般的艺术敏感度和超脱于性别界限和国籍的非同寻常的视角。她的的油画色泽黏稠,表面内容丰富多彩,画面故事则完全呈现精神分裂症的特点。她的作品中经常会出现虚线、目标和象征性的图标, 就像说明书中插图, 让人捉摸不透。把各类混杂的元素汇聚到一起要表达什么并不重要,以轻松的心态恣意演绎多重性才是耿旖旎的作品胜人一筹的地方。
耿旖旎毕业于沈阳鲁迅美术学院,其作品已参展于多家艺术机构,如上海视界艺术中心,北京今日美术馆及成 都蓝顶美术馆等。
Special project by Geng Yini
Geng Yini presented her new series of works at SH Contemporary 2014. This series of works are to reinterpret the old images, to explore the uncertainty of time and memory.
Geng’s gooey paintings with their manifold surfaces and schizophrenic narratives are a testimony to our interactive computer lives where we simultaneously dance between multiple windows, looking and covering, pointing at past and future. What the total sum of ingredients in her uncanny works may mean is not the point; it is the lighthearted celebration of unbridled plurality that gives Geng’s work its edge.
Geng Yini is graduate of Lu Xun Academy in Shenyang and has shown her works in numerous venues including V-Art Center Shanghai, Today Museum, Beijing and Blue Top Museum in Chengdu.