The BANK Show, Vive le Capital
Openning:2015.03.29, 3pm - 5pm
ARTISTS: Badlands Unlimited, Orit Ben-Shitrit, Cai Guoqiang, Chen Tianzhuo, Chen Shaoxiong, Heman Chong+Marcus Yee, DeYi Studio, Double Fly Art Center, Christoph Draeger, Rainer Ganahl, Kevin B. Lee, Liao Guohe, Dieter Meier, Aernout Mik, Gianni Motti, Raqs Media Collective, Hito Steyerl, Javier Viver, Heidi Voet, Wang Sishun, Xu Zhen Produced by MadeIn, O Zhang, Zhao Yao
CURATORS: Wang Xin, Christoph Draeger, MABSOCIETY
It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of the current order of capitalism. – Fredric Jameson
BANK presents The BANK Show, Vive le Capital an exhibition that explores, celebrates, and critiques the omnipresent power of global finance through its site-specific venue, the former Bank Union building in Shanghai’s historic Bund district (est. 1925). In the past, political ideology and religious conviction shaped the conduits of power, but as the world accelerates into the 21st century the fate of human sustenance is more and more dependent on the ebb and flow of capital. Over the past decade the divide between the haves and have nots, global south and north, has become wider while national identity and borders have become more tenuous. Through this exhibition we aim to flush out perspectives from artists and others that examine the momentous and intimate experiences with multi-national capitalism: its virtues and vices, catches and loopholes, what it renders visible or precarious along a discursive discourse from Marx to Piketty.
At the outset of the 20th century BANK’s home was at the epicenter of global commerce. Shanghai played host to banks from throughout Europe and the United States as an outpost for Asian manufacturing and trade. Shanghai’s Bund essentially incubated what we know today as modern market globalization. Taking BANK’s distinct location and historic context as a departure point The BANK Show considers creative practices as impressed in the world of global capital and finance, rather than reducing them to vapid gestures of political correctness or over-sim- plifying dichoto- mies of morality.
开幕酒会:2015.03.29, 3pm - 5pm
艺术家: Badlands Unlimited, 奥里特·本·诗瑞特, 蔡国强, 陈天灼, 陈劭雄, 张奕满+余昱昀, 得译工作室, 双飞艺术中心, 克里斯托弗·德尔格, 雷纳·加纳尔, 李启万, 廖国核, 迪埃特·迈耶, 艾尔诺·米克, 詹尼·莫提, Raqs媒体小组, 黑特·史德耶尔, 哈维尔·比贝尔, 海蒂·芙欧特, 王思顺, 徐震-没顶公司, 张鸥, 赵要
策展人: 王辛, 克里斯托弗·德尔格, MABSOCIETY
世界的终结要比当前秩序或资本主义的终结容易想象的多。 —— 弗雷德里克·詹姆逊
在具有厚重上海历史记忆的地标——外滩, 联结 1925 年告竣的前上海银行工会大楼该特定场域, BANK 向您呈献 The BANK Show, Vive le Capital, 以探究、歌 颂与批判全球金融比比皆是的力量。昔日, 政治形态和宗教信念塑造了权力的格局。但, 当世界以飞驰的步履迈进 21 世纪时, 人们生计利益的命脉同资本的此涨彼 伏愈发交织不清, 非同等闲。在过去十年间, 当国家认同和领土边境愈甚模糊之时, 贫富差异的鸿沟和南北半球资本分化日渐显著。这次展览, 我们旨在通过展现艺术 家们的视角, 来探讨他们在不同国家背景下对资本主义的深挚体验: 它的优势与病垢, 成效和纰漏; 它触手可及的现实, 亦或是从马克思到皮克迪的这段天马行空的臆 想旅程。
追溯至 20 世纪初, BANK 的“家”就已然落户在这世界商贸的中心。自那时起, 作为亚洲重要的制造业、贸易区的枢纽, 上海吸引着欧美各国地区的银行业主纷至 涌来, 扮演着名符其实的世界银行的角色。从本质上讲, 那时的上海滩也酝酿着我们所熟识的现代市场全球化。以 BANK 非比寻常的地理位置与历史背景为出发点, The BANK Show 意在对令人瞠目的资本全球化和金融全球化的世界进行实验性还原与探索, 而不仅仅是无聊乏味的政治游说, 也不是道德层面上过分简化的“非白即黑”。
特别鸣谢 | Supported by 技术支持 | Technical support
Openning:2015.03.29, 3pm - 5pm
ARTISTS: Badlands Unlimited, Orit Ben-Shitrit, Cai Guoqiang, Chen Tianzhuo, Chen Shaoxiong, Heman Chong+Marcus Yee, DeYi Studio, Double Fly Art Center, Christoph Draeger, Rainer Ganahl, Kevin B. Lee, Liao Guohe, Dieter Meier, Aernout Mik, Gianni Motti, Raqs Media Collective, Hito Steyerl, Javier Viver, Heidi Voet, Wang Sishun, Xu Zhen Produced by MadeIn, O Zhang, Zhao Yao
CURATORS: Wang Xin, Christoph Draeger, MABSOCIETY
It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of the current order of capitalism. – Fredric Jameson
BANK presents The BANK Show, Vive le Capital an exhibition that explores, celebrates, and critiques the omnipresent power of global finance through its site-specific venue, the former Bank Union building in Shanghai’s historic Bund district (est. 1925). In the past, political ideology and religious conviction shaped the conduits of power, but as the world accelerates into the 21st century the fate of human sustenance is more and more dependent on the ebb and flow of capital. Over the past decade the divide between the haves and have nots, global south and north, has become wider while national identity and borders have become more tenuous. Through this exhibition we aim to flush out perspectives from artists and others that examine the momentous and intimate experiences with multi-national capitalism: its virtues and vices, catches and loopholes, what it renders visible or precarious along a discursive discourse from Marx to Piketty.
At the outset of the 20th century BANK’s home was at the epicenter of global commerce. Shanghai played host to banks from throughout Europe and the United States as an outpost for Asian manufacturing and trade. Shanghai’s Bund essentially incubated what we know today as modern market globalization. Taking BANK’s distinct location and historic context as a departure point The BANK Show considers creative practices as impressed in the world of global capital and finance, rather than reducing them to vapid gestures of political correctness or over-sim- plifying dichoto- mies of morality.
开幕酒会:2015.03.29, 3pm - 5pm
艺术家: Badlands Unlimited, 奥里特·本·诗瑞特, 蔡国强, 陈天灼, 陈劭雄, 张奕满+余昱昀, 得译工作室, 双飞艺术中心, 克里斯托弗·德尔格, 雷纳·加纳尔, 李启万, 廖国核, 迪埃特·迈耶, 艾尔诺·米克, 詹尼·莫提, Raqs媒体小组, 黑特·史德耶尔, 哈维尔·比贝尔, 海蒂·芙欧特, 王思顺, 徐震-没顶公司, 张鸥, 赵要
策展人: 王辛, 克里斯托弗·德尔格, MABSOCIETY
世界的终结要比当前秩序或资本主义的终结容易想象的多。 —— 弗雷德里克·詹姆逊
在具有厚重上海历史记忆的地标——外滩, 联结 1925 年告竣的前上海银行工会大楼该特定场域, BANK 向您呈献 The BANK Show, Vive le Capital, 以探究、歌 颂与批判全球金融比比皆是的力量。昔日, 政治形态和宗教信念塑造了权力的格局。但, 当世界以飞驰的步履迈进 21 世纪时, 人们生计利益的命脉同资本的此涨彼 伏愈发交织不清, 非同等闲。在过去十年间, 当国家认同和领土边境愈甚模糊之时, 贫富差异的鸿沟和南北半球资本分化日渐显著。这次展览, 我们旨在通过展现艺术 家们的视角, 来探讨他们在不同国家背景下对资本主义的深挚体验: 它的优势与病垢, 成效和纰漏; 它触手可及的现实, 亦或是从马克思到皮克迪的这段天马行空的臆 想旅程。
追溯至 20 世纪初, BANK 的“家”就已然落户在这世界商贸的中心。自那时起, 作为亚洲重要的制造业、贸易区的枢纽, 上海吸引着欧美各国地区的银行业主纷至 涌来, 扮演着名符其实的世界银行的角色。从本质上讲, 那时的上海滩也酝酿着我们所熟识的现代市场全球化。以 BANK 非比寻常的地理位置与历史背景为出发点, The BANK Show 意在对令人瞠目的资本全球化和金融全球化的世界进行实验性还原与探索, 而不仅仅是无聊乏味的政治游说, 也不是道德层面上过分简化的“非白即黑”。
特别鸣谢 | Supported by 技术支持 | Technical support
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