The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper. --- W.B. Yeats
BANK is proud to present works by renown international artists that have been inspired by the paranormal. In a time before the achievements of modern science rituals of divination such as alchemy, sorcery, and sacred geometry have helped shape faith and human understanding. As modern science still struggles to understand the frontier of reality contemporary art has become a talisman for 21st century man.
Marina Abramovic, Matthew Brandt, Chen Tianzhuo, Fang Wei, Kendell Geers, Laurent Grasso, Jin Shan, Ouyang Chun, Zhao Gang
with furniture by KAIYINSTITUTE
“宇宙中充满了神奇的事物,耐心地等待着我们变得更加睿智。” — 威廉•巴特勒•叶芝
BANK 荣幸地呈现一组享誉国际的艺术家的作品。这些作品的灵感都来自于超自然领域的 启发。在过去现代科学还未成气候时,各种神秘主义的仪式,诸如炼金术、巫术和神圣的 几何图案等都在人类认知和不同信仰的形成过程中占有一席之地。如今,科学领域仍旧在 孜孜探索着现实的边界,而当代艺术也逐渐化身为二十一世纪人类的护身符。
玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇, 马修·勃朗特, 陈天灼, 方巍, 肯德尔·戈尔斯, 洛朗·格拉索, 靳山, 欧阳春, 赵刚
The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper. --- W.B. Yeats
BANK is proud to present works by renown international artists that have been inspired by the paranormal. In a time before the achievements of modern science rituals of divination such as alchemy, sorcery, and sacred geometry have helped shape faith and human understanding. As modern science still struggles to understand the frontier of reality contemporary art has become a talisman for 21st century man.
Marina Abramovic, Matthew Brandt, Chen Tianzhuo, Fang Wei, Kendell Geers, Laurent Grasso, Jin Shan, Ouyang Chun, Zhao Gang
with furniture by KAIYINSTITUTE
“宇宙中充满了神奇的事物,耐心地等待着我们变得更加睿智。” — 威廉•巴特勒•叶芝
BANK 荣幸地呈现一组享誉国际的艺术家的作品。这些作品的灵感都来自于超自然领域的 启发。在过去现代科学还未成气候时,各种神秘主义的仪式,诸如炼金术、巫术和神圣的 几何图案等都在人类认知和不同信仰的形成过程中占有一席之地。如今,科学领域仍旧在 孜孜探索着现实的边界,而当代艺术也逐渐化身为二十一世纪人类的护身符。
玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇, 马修·勃朗特, 陈天灼, 方巍, 肯德尔·戈尔斯, 洛朗·格拉索, 靳山, 欧阳春, 赵刚